The first thing that you should consider is that it might be very important for you to take a part time job or even a full time job in another field before you get established as an artist. This is commonly due to the fact that you are not going to get paid very much or sometimes even at all when you are looking at entry level positions in the arts. This period can be very stressful, because even when you are working a lot, you are going to need to think about being creative and making the connections that you need. Remember that dedication and hard work have to be two things that you aspire to if you are looking at how to stay in the field.
Remember to consider what jobs are going to be available when you are thinking about jobs in art and design. Finding the right position for you is essential and unless you are ready to simply step in and start swinging, the answer lies in figuring out what is out there. The first and most obvious choice, especially for young artists, is to be a freelancer or to be self employed. While this does not have many comforts and the pay is going to be erratic, it can be a good way to get your feet wet. You may also want to take a look at working at an art gallery or museum, or you might want to look for work in the industry, no matter what position you might be interested in. You may also need to work for a design or advertising agency.
Also consider the fact that you are looking at a very competitive field. The art and design industry is a very small one and you will find that because the market is a bit saturated, finding a job can be fairly tough. Remember that in many cases, there are people who have to find themselves jobs in different fields and will end up returning at a later point. How much do you want a job in this field and what kind of work are you going to be willing to do to get it? In many cases, you may find that getting unpaid work experience might be what it takes to get your foot in the door!
Remember that although you should be aware of the situation as it stands, getting a job in art and design can be something that is very possible. Take a moment to consider how you are going to get the experience that you need and never stop working on your portfolio.