The creative industry is very tough this year; however, with the right amount of diligence and persistence, freelancers will find work. It does require some extra effort to stand out from the crowd. Advertising agencies are pickier about what they'll accept, and they are streamlining their working process to keep quality high while lowering expenses.
There are a number of good tools that freelancers can use in order to increase their chances of being hired. With the Web 2.0 arena going full blast, and the methods available to increase website exposure through this medium, it has become a whole lot easier for freelancers to get their sites noticed. As well, jobsites online are steadily on the increase as well as sites that allow you to work remotely for companies locally or on the other side of the country.
Online jobs are popping up everywhere, and freelancers in design fields are especially suited to this type of remote work. Jobsites are constantly updated with advertising in freelance fields and there are easy ways to keep up with the new jobs being posted. Through email and RSS readers, freelancers looking for work can continuously be notified of new positions that become available.
Establishing an online presence is one of the best ways to get freelance work. By having a website that is professional and well-made, a freelancer can advertise their services on a 24/7 basis. There are many site building, helper software out there that make creating a web presence easy, especially if you're a freelancer in a field other than web design. For web designers, there are all of the major programs, templates and setups like Dreamweaver, GoLive and the like. With these programs, a good web designer can build a basic site in little to no time.
There are many jobsites available that are designed with freelancers in mind like Creative Pool, Behance and Odesk. Freelancers can make free portfolio websites which allow anyone to review the material posted and contact the freelancer. Since these portfolios are digital, they can be updated quickly and continuously.
LinkedIn is another Web 2.0 website that allows freelancers to set up their portfolio using the profile portion. LinkedIn is a networking site designed specifically for freelancers, employers and other professionals looking to link up with people who can satisfy their needs on a freelance basis. There are also groups that freelancers can join which allows for more exposure and opportunities.
The standard business card has been underused of late with the advent of the World Wide Web. While cards aren't as widely used as they were even five years ago, they are still a very traditional and excellent promotional piece to have on hand. Because there is now print-on-demand, the need to get large quantities of business cards is no longer necessary. However, it is still good to have them.
Keeping the Mac and PC skillset up-to-date is a must when freelancing, because freelancers never know what they'll be facing in terms of work. Because freelancers aren't full-time employees with set goals and tasks, they need to be as current as possible when it comes to knowing the software in their field.
While this article doesn't cover everything a freelancer needs to be successful, it does give a good look at the basics: visit jobsites, using LinkedIn to increase exposure, and setting up a website to establish a portfolio and presence and keeping business cards on hand. Now that you have the basics, start setting up your methods to get a good freelancing position.