There are so many people out there who are competing for the same job that it can be difficult to think that your designs are ever going to get the attention that you need. However, the thing to remember is that the jobs and the need are out there, and if your work is outstanding, there is no reason that your designs can't be chosen! Take a moment to consider how you can get the design job that you are interested in.
The first thing that you need to consider when you are looking for a job in design is that you need to make sure that your portfolio is in good order. Remember that if you have no experience to offer, your portfolio is going to be the thing that you use to get in. A good portfolio is going to represent your best work; it is everything that you are capable of, summarized for the people who are looking at you. There are a lot of suggestions for portfolio building out there, but remember that you should tailor your portfolio to the places that you are applying. Your portfolio should always be updated because it needs to represent your best work.
Remember that getting an internship when you are still a student can be essential towards getting you a job later. Look around for a good internship that will give you the results that you are interested in and treat it seriously. Not only is it going to give you a worm's eye view of the industry, you will also find that in many ways, it will serve as a summer long interview. Many interns end up working at the place where they interned and you will find that it can be a good way to get you involved in that particular company's networking system. Be on the lookout for anyone who could help your career down the road.
When you are trying to get work as a designer, remember that you may not be employable by a big firm right away. There are plenty of designers who end up doing a great deal of freelance work before they end up with firms and some people find that they like freelancing much more than they do working for large companies. When you are still a student, you will find that it is entirely possible to do a lot of freelancing, even at reduced rates. You can build up your portfolio in this fashion.
There are so many different options available to you when you are thinking about a job in design, so take some time and really consider what path you want to take. This is a highly competitive field, but you will find that if you are determined and if you are someone who has what it takes, you can find your way to the top.