Designs surgical belts and supports, fabricates prototype, and makes production patterns...
Designs surgical belts and supports, fabricates prototype, and makes production patterns: Draws full-size outline of support on paper according to specifications, body measurements, and anatomical application of support, using mechanical drawing instruments. Cuts drawing into parts to make patterns, marks around patterns on specified cloth, and cuts cloth on marks, using scissors or electrically powered knife. Sews pieces together, using any combination of single- two-, three- and four-needle, zigzag, square-stitch, and buttonhole sewing machines. Operates eyelet, hook-and-eye, and caps-and-studs machines to attach specified fasteners to supports. Inspects completed sample and makes alterations requested by management. Writes specifications for materials, straps, stays, fasteners, adjustments, and sizes to be produced. Traces patterns on fiberboard or cardboard and cuts out patterns to be used as master patterns. Enlarges and reduces master patterns to make patterns for range of sizes to be produced.